Scott Xavier presents…
Corporate mentalist Scott Xavier takes a hi-def camera onto the streets of Chicago and films some interesting mind reading and illusions. The video is shot with a single camera to prevent camera tricks and make the viewer feel like they are actually live in the audience.
The Illusions and Mentalism inside this video, BEYOND MAGIC: Genesis, include:
- Psychic Like Remote Viewing
- Telekinetic Signed Quarter Bend
- Pain Proof Mentalism- Blowtorch on Arm and on Tongue
- Guess Which Hand
- Psychic Surgery
- At Home Card Mirage
- X-Ray Blindfolded Sixth Sense Demonstration of Human Echolocation
There are no paid actors and no accomplices in this video. No one was paid. It was merely shot with a tripod, hd camera, and random people I met the day of filming.
More Beyond Magic to come….
Beyond Magic- Mentalist Scott Xavier presents...