Monday, September 30, 2013

Preparing for a busy Halloween season


Preparing for a busy Halloween season

Preparing for a busy Halloween season


Preparing for a busy Halloween season

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Barbecue Contest- Jalepeno Poppers!

There are a few things in this world that I do extremely well… One of those things is mentalism and the other is grilling…

I decided to enter another contest this time with my world famous Jalepeno Popper recipe. To see a video on them and to vote for me go vote for Scott Xavier at

The key is grilling them not deep frying, brown sugar, bacon bits covering the full popper to ensure complete favor, spread chili powder and garlic lightly over the full peppers. Feel free to vote and thank you!

Barbecue Contest- Jalepeno Poppers!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Bullet Catch: Halloween Stunt Coming to Campus Near You

Scott Xavier presents… The Bullet Catch: Coming this Hallowild Halloween

Imagine a stunt so extreme it scared The great Houdini from performing it! Coming this Halloween, the All knowing Scott Xavier will present a stunt so extreme it has claimed the lives of 13 magicians!

Having trained the past year with MMA coaches to increase his agility and stamina, mentalist and magician Scott Xavier risks death every show this Halloween. You will witness an insane feat so death defying and name you will have to see it to believe it!

Deaths from the Bullet Catch

Coulen (1500s)

Kia Khan Khruse (1818)

Madame deLinsky (1820)

Arnold Buck (1840)

Adam Epstein (1869)

Raoul Curran (1880)

deLine Jr (1890)

Michael Hatal (1899)

Otto Blumenfeld (1906)

Chung Ling Soo (1918)

H. T. Sartell

“The Black Wizard of the West” (1922)

Ralf Bialla (1972)

Doc Conrad (1977)

Fernando Tejada (1988)

HOUDINI. One illusion he never attempted was the bullet catch, of which his friend, Harry Keller warned Houdini that there were too many things that could go wrong and requested that he not do the stunt:

This is not your average magic trick….. What is about to happen is real… It is insane, and it should never be attempted!

The Bullet Catch: Halloween Stunt Coming to Campus Near You

Monday, September 16, 2013 Magic Series Contest Winners

Online talent contest winner magician and mentalist Scott Xavier Magic contest winner series 1 is magician and mentalist Scott Xavier.

Since there are no real acceptance speeches, here it goes. Every smile I get, every number I receive, every corporate event that cheers for me I did this for you. To the fans I say thank you. I am nothing without you!

Scott Xavier magician who won the talent contest

Unfortunately I can not embed the video so here is the effect I won with: Magic Series Contest Winners Magic contest Winner Thank you to all my fans and friends who voted for me at I am honored!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How bad do you want it?

The only one who will give you success, is you. It is not given it is taken. If you want it take it. –David Blaine

Those words were spoken to me nearly five years ago from a man who I consider a hero. He is very smart and is right. If you want something, you have to ask yourself what have you done to achieve it.

I am in an online talent contest. I have not slept more then two hours a day since. I battle every day getting votes. Every day I upload videos, comment on blogs, help friends online all for a momentary reference to this contest. Some late needed help setting up a fan page. I helped. Then I became a fan and commented about my contest. This continues to get me votes.

It breaks down to, how much are you willing to work?

How to get votes:

Create and manage a fan site

Giveaway something with each new hurtle at 100 give voters a prize if they are with ten votes

Find fan pages and become a fan and post

Help people and they will help you

Ask you friends and fans to spread the word

Post on twitter, Facebook, and plus

And write blogs vote for me here.

How bad do you want it?